Modern dining room design with eclectic decorations

There is nothing quite wrong with a plain old wooden table and chair set or any other variation of the classic dining room setup. But just because something isn't wrong doesn’t necessarily mean it shouldn’t be changed. If you find your aesthetic senses craving something fresh and new, we have one word for you; eclectic.

What does eclectic even mean in terms of a dining room? Think a vibrant and vivacious celebration of colors and individuality. Here, the dining table doesn’t have to ‘go’ with the chairs. They can be their own thing without being tied down to a theme, a palette or even a deco style. If you’re picturing a dining room straight out of Willy Wonka’s finest fantasy, well, you’re not too far off. Just add a dash of sophistication and a sprinkle of your tastes and you’ve got yourself an eclectic dining room.

Is the thought of playing with different colors and styles is daunting? Fret not. We’ll guide you through your dining room’s eclectic transformation. Here are some eclectic dining room design ideas to help you get started.

Chair Haven

The easiest way to add an eclectic touch to your dining room is by going all out with the chairs. Say goodbye to monochrome chairs that look like they are all out of the same assembly line. Your eclectic dining room deserves better. To begin with, look at colorful chairs that aren’t necessarily the same design. Mix and match is the essence of an eclectic design aesthetic and you have complete freedom over where you pick your furniture from. When choosing colored chairs for your dining room, remember to opt for a neutral color for the wall. Too many colors in one room can clash and create a chaotic space. If you’re still worried about adding too many colors to your dining room, you can go with the dual color approach with the chairs in two bright colors.

Quirky dining room with a selection of different chairs

Dominant Hue

When it comes to the colors you use in your eclectic dining room, remember, colorful doesn’t mean multicolored. A vibrant and colorful dining room is possible by using just one primary color or a couple of shades of the same color. While this does give the room a seemingly monotonous look, it’s still bright, charming and most importantly eclectic. Hues of blue and purple are quite popular in eclectic dining rooms, especially since they add a ton of color to the room without overpowering it. Another great use of a dominant hue in your dining room is to pick a wall and add a 3D wall art or striking texture to it.

Let There Be Light(ing Fixtures)

Love adding lighting fixtures to your living space? The eclectic design aesthetic gives you all the freedom in the world to choose the lighting fixtures you want in your dining room. From pendant lights to chandeliers, you can add any lighting fixture to brighten up the room interiors. If you have the time, patience, and knack for creativity, you can also install a DIY pendant light in your dining room. This option also gives you greater control over the colors used and you can truly mix and match different styles to create your very own eclectic lighting fixture.

Big light fixtures atop a roomy dining room

Lofty Ambitions

If you’re going for a loft-like, hipster eclectic vibe for your dining room, we’ve just the suggestion for you. Unfinished walls give a unique industrial feel to the room and you can add a variety of tables, chairs and other decor items for brightness and color. Adding colorful chairs here is important since the walls will generally be white or unpainted. Not just the chairs but even the lighting fixtures and other paraphernalia in your dining room can be as colorful and bright as possible.

Visual Backdrop

If you don’t want to paint your walls in bright colors, the next best option is wallpaper. These beautiful sheets not only add some color to the room but also a distinct pattern and visual splendor. Not a fan of wallpapers? You can also use custom graffiti, wall decals, or even colorful drapes to give your dining room an eclectic vibe. Alternatively, you can add a colored rug to the dining room for a pop of verve. A bold wallpaper or floor rug is also a great option if you’re on a tight budget since it allows you to opt for a decidedly regular table and chair set.

These eclectic dining room design ideas will help you get started on your journey towards a spectacularly eclectic dining room. But sourcing furniture and other decor items for your dining room can be an expensive affair. A great alternative is to rent dining room furniture from CasaOne. We offer beautiful furniture from top brands and a host of benefits designed to make your life easier.

Get in touch with the design experts at CasaOne to learn more about our furniture rental services and get a complimentary design consultation.
